List of Equipment
A. Major Equipment
4 HPTLC system
5 HPLC with PDA, RID
6 HPLC with FLD
7 GC with FID and ECD
8 GC with NPD and TCD
9 FTIR with ATR & Liquid Cell
10 Elemental Analyser for CHNS/O
11 Thermo Gravimetric Analyser(TGA/DSC)
12 Ion Chromatograph
13 UV Visible Spectrophotometer
14 High End Titrator / Auto-titrators
15 Spectrofluorimeter
16 Digital Butyro Refractrometer
17 Digital turbidity meter
18 Spectrocolorimeter (Lovibond)
19 Hunter lab colour measurement system (Tintometer)
20 Automatic Protein Analyser
21 Automatic Soxhlet fat extraction system
22 Fully automatic dietary fiber analyser
23 Deep Frying Oil Tester / TPC Analyser
24 Laminar Air Flow
25 Biosafety Cabinet
26 Pass Box
27 ELISA Multimode Reader, Incubator and Plate Washer
28 HVAC System for Microbiology Lab
B. Supporting equipments
1 Refrigerated Centrifuge
2 Rotary Vacuum Evaporator
3 Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Vaccum Manifold
4 Water Purification System (Mili-Q)
5 Homogeniser
6 Nitrogen Evaporator
7 Microwave Digestion System
8 Micro-Filtration Assembly
9 Micropipette (10 µL to 100 µL)
10 Micropipette (100 µL to 1000 µL)
11 Micropipette 0.5 mL to 5 mL
12 Hygrometer
13 Sieves Shaker with Stand
14 Walk-in cold storage (20 to 80C) room measuring 8’X8’X8’
15 Calibrated thermometer
16 Glass Thermometer
17 Test Sieves
18 Oil Bath
19 Thermotech Temperature Indicator with Sensor
20 Water Bath
21 Vacuum Oven
22 Automated Glassware Washer & Dryer
23 Incubator
24 BOD Incubator
25 Hot Air Oven
26 Refrigerator
27 Deep Freezer
28 Water Bath
29 pH meter
30 Vacuum Pump
31 De-humidifier (portable)
32 Hot plates
33 Heating Mantle
34 Ultra Sonic Cleaner
35 Pulverizer mill
36 Vortex shaker
37 Electric blender with a stable steel jar
38 Multi Heating Mental
39 Microscope
40 Anaerobic Jar
41 Fumigator or Fogger
42 Digital Colony counter
43 Howard Mould Count
44 Vertical Autoclave
45 Gerber Centrifuge
46 G.M. Counter – Beta
47 G.M. Counter – Gama
48 Weight Box
49 High End Microscope  (To observe Starch Structure)
50 Refrigerator
51 Multi Heating Mental
52 Micro Analytical Balance (upto 220 g)
53 Analytical Balance (upto 3 Kg)
54 Weighing Balance (60 Kg)
55 Conductivity Meter
56 pH meter
57 Pensky Martens Flash point Apparatus
68 Bomb Calorimeter
C. Facilities for administrative purpose
1 Barcoding instrument with printer & readers
2 Biometric Attendance system
3 Dedicated server for introduction of LIMS
4 CCTV camera & accessories
5 Access Control System for Entry/Exit
D. Miscellaneous
1 Burners
2 Magnifying Lenses
3 Magnet (Magnetic Stirrers)
4 Sample divider
5 Computer systems with UPS system along with licensed software & operating system and connected through LAN to all the sections
6 Diesel / Petrol Genset 200 and 500 KVA
7 UPS 80 KVA
8 UPS 40 KVA
9 Vacuum Pumps
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